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  • Ryan Murphy

Senior Capstone Blog Post #3

Going into our 6th week of working on Frog Bath and so much has happened already its awesome. We have a lot of things coming up such as possibly taking out game to PAX East in Boston, MA, we are unsure yet whether or not we are going, but we applied and will hopefully hear back soon. We also have spring break coming up soon and than the following week some of the team will be going away to GDC out in San Francisco. So with that said there is a lot of stuff going on right now.

In terms of Frog Bath production, we have had a change of pace with how we are doing things with our level. We went from developing one big level, to now shrinking it to 3 smaller more polished levels. However, we are taking bits and pieces from the big level so that none of the time that was spent working on the big level was really wasted. During all of this we also have our Product Owner and Lead Systems Designer Leonardo Robles-Gonzalez, work on an amazing Main Menu for our game. Below is an image of the sink asset that is being used for the Main Menu.

Since my last blog post though we have agreed upon added 2 new frogs that will be worked on soon. I do not believe they will be started this week, but I could be wrong. We have also re-worked our movement system so the players have a better experience moving around our level now. Personally after playing with the new movement, it make me feel like I was Spider-man and I loved it.

Since my last blog post there are a few things I have done myself. This includes working on a Project Overview Spreadsheet for us to use to keep track of important upcoming dates as well as what we need to do in terms deliverable for those deadlines. I also assisted in on boarding 2 outsourcing artists for Frog Bath! Since we only have 2 artists on the team we need more help and reached out to some underclassmen to help with some of the work load so not as much pressure is on Leanna and JJ. I helped on-board them by reading through the outsourcing agreement that my Co-Producer, Rachel, had made and I made one or two edits to it. I also helped with going to the introduction meeting for our 2 outsourcing artists and helped them go over the working agreement along with Leanna, Rachel, and Leo. I was also able to get them both added to our Mattermost Channel. Lastly, I researched a little bit of the process with possibly releasing our game to Steam and for when we are done with the project at the end of the semester.

Some things I intend to do in this upcoming sprint is more 2 on 1 meetings with Rachel and the entire team to check in with them and see how everything is going so far on the team. I also going to be making a schedule for Rachel and our Marketing Consultant Brett Shwartz this week to go over some things regarding possibly releasing Frog Bath. To wrap everything up I wanna say that for PAX we are looking into making some goofy Frog Bath stickers to give out to people and we are keeping some for ourselves and I cannot wait to get some stickers.


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